
综艺 美国2019




    Anthony Borowski、Bobby Burke、Karamo Brown、Jonathan Van Ness和Tan Franc将把他们的专业知识带到东京,亲身体验日本美食、时尚、设计、美容和文化。水原希子将在每集担任指导,渡边直美也将作为特别嘉宾出现。

    This is the best season ever. Due to similar cultural background, I felt so familiar with their stories and resonate with their emotions.

    I love that Kan hold his boyfriend's hand like he doesn't care about what other people think of him anymore, I love that Mokoto and his wife are so deeply in love with each other that their biggest fear is that they assume one of them has fallen out of love, and I also love the fact that after seven years of plain sexless marriage, they eventually find their way back to each other and their bashfulbess like they have only met for the first time is so touching and thrilling.

    I saw them retrieving their confidence and life back, and also saw that we all have our own problems and they needed to be voiced. There will be so much more ahead of them. And I wish them and us all have a good life. Viva la vida.